List of Important SAP SD Tables (Sales and Distribution)


List of Important SAP SD Tables (Sales and Distribution).

In the beginning, you will find the main SAP SD Tables for Customer and Material Master Data.

The next part covers the Sales and Distribution Tables for Sales Document, Delivery, Billing, Shipping and Pricing Tables related to SAP SD Module.

The last part will list some useful Tables for SAP SD.

Table of Contents

SAP SD Tables

SAP SD Tables for Customer

Let’s start within the Sales and Distribution Tables with Customer Tables in SAP SD.

Note that the main tables for a customer in SAP SD is KNA1.
A Customer in SAP SD is identified by KUNNR.

Here the main Customer Tables in SAP SD:

Delivery Doc. TablesDESCRIPTION
KNA1Customer Master: General Data
KNB1Customer Master: Company Code Data
KNB4Customer Payment History
KNB5Customer Master: Dunning data
KNBKCustomer Master: Bank Details
KNBWCustomer Master: Wwithholding tax types
KNKACustomer Master: Credit Mgmt.
KNKKCustomer Master: Credit Control Area Data : credit limits
KNVACustomer Master: Loading/Unloading Points
KNVDCustomer Master: Record sales request form/documents
KNVHCustomer Hierarchies
KNVICustomer Master: Tax Indicator
KNVKCustomer Master: Contact Partner
KNVLCustomer Master: Licenses
KNVPCustomer Master: Partner Functions
KNVSCustomer Master: Shipping Data
KNVTCustomer Master: Record Texts for Sales
KNVVCustomer Master: Sales Data
KLPACustomer/Vendor Link

Check also for SAP SD Customer:

SAP Material Master Data Tables

SAP SD Tables for Sales Documents

Once Customer is defined, let’s check the list of Sales Documents tables in SAP SD.

The SAP SD Table for Sales Document Header is VBAK. The items details are stored in VBAP.

Check the list of useful related Tables to Sales Document in SAP SD:

VBUKHeader Status and Administrative Data
VBAKSales Document : Header Data
VBKDSales Document : Business Data
VBUPItem Status
VBAPSales Document : Item Data
VBFADocument Flow
VBEPSales Document Schedule Line
VBBESales Requirements: Individual Records

You may also check

SAP SD Tables for Delivery Documents

After sending a sales document to the customer comes the Delivery.

The main Tables for Delivery Documents in SAP Sales and Distribution are:

LIPSDelivery Document item data includes referencing PO
LIKPDelivery Document Header data

SAP SD Tables for Billing Document

Once the delivery is done, a billing document is issued.

Here the list of Billing Document Tables in SAP SD:

VBRKBilling Document Header
VBRPBilling Document Item

Check more about Billing Document in SAP SD:

Shipping Tables in SAP SD

Find bellowing the list of Shipping Unit Tables in SAP SD

VTTKShipment header
VTTPShipment item
VTTSStage in transport
VTSPStage in transport per shipment item
VTPAShipment partners
VEKPHandling Unit : Header Table
VEPOPacking: Handling Unit Item : Contents

SAP Pricing Tables

Here the list of the most important tables for Pricing in SAP :

KOMKPricing Communications: Header (Structure)
KOMPPricing Communication: Item (Structure)
KONVConditions: Transaction Data
KONPConditions: Item
KONHConditions: Header
KONDSAP Contracts Table in SAP SD
VEDAContract Data

Others useful tables for SAP SD

Here I regrouped some useful when dealing with SAP SD (Sales and Distribution):

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