Axis Bank Savings Accounts

Axis Bank Savings Accounts

A wide range of savings accounts are made available by Axis Bank provides to its customers. Having various features and benefits, these savings accounts meet the variegated banking needs of people.

These savings accounts offer different features such as high transaction limit, free cheque books, etc. Also, various offers and discounts are offered such as discounted movie tickets, Axis eDGE rewards to emergency travel allowances, etc.


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Following are the different types of savings accounts offered:

ASAP Instant Savings Account: ASAP Instant offered by Axis Bank is a new age digital savings account. This savings account can be opened by downloading the Axis Mobile App or by applying online. To open it online, one needs to register his/her Aadhaar, PAN & other basic details.

Listed down are the features and benefits of basic savings accounts:
Mentioned below are the features and benefits of small basic savings account:
Listed down are the features and benefits of the Inaam Personal Account: