Distribution agreement template

Use this free distribution agreement template to secure and onboard new distributors in 2023.

Our templates are for general information only. You should not rely on them, and Juro is not liable for any reliance on them. The templates might contain errors, including unlawful provisions and might create risks and liabilities if used. The templates are not legal advice, nor a substitute for it. By accessing any template, you accept these terms and agree that any use is at your own risk. Some of these templates were created using generative AI with human-assisted prompts.

Distribution agreements are great tools for businesses that want to expand how and where they sell their products.

This guide will explain what purpose a distribution agreement serves, what it should include and how to best manage them. We've also got a free distribution agreement template for you to download or use in Juro.

What is a distribution agreement?

A distribution agreement is a legal document that establishes the terms and conditions between a supplier of goods and a distributor who agrees to market and sells those goods.

For businesses that rely on third parties to deliver their products to end-users, the distribution agreement is a foundational document.

Why use a distribution agreement?

A comprehensive distribution agreement can help your business and reassure your distribution partner by clarifying their rights and responsibilities and setting clear expectations. This, in turn, can mitigate the risk of potential disputes, should anything go wrong with your distribution partnership.

Here's why you should have one in place:

Who is responsible for managing distribution agreements?

Usually, it's the legal team's job to draft commercial agreements like the standard distribution agreement template.

Depending on the type of company, several departments might input into that process:

1. The legal team drafts, reviews, and advises on the contract terms, ensuring they are legally sound and protect the company's interests.

2. Operational roles such as the sales and operations teams monitor day-to-day contract compliance and performance.

3. The finance team oversees pricing structures, payment terms, and financial forecasting.

4. The management and executive teams make strategic decisions and approve the final agreement. Although, legal may want to review the terms again if something has changed.

The exact process can vary depending on the size of the company, the complexity of the agreement, and the organization's risk appetite.

What should you include in a distribution agreement template?

Distribution agreements can vary considerably depending on the goods being distributed and the nature of the relationship. That said, the typical distribution agreement template will include the following elements:

How do businesses manage distribution agreements?

Understanding who manages distribution agreements is one thing, but what does the contract management process actually look like?

Well, this depends on whether the business has a distribution agreement template to hand, and what they do with it.

The manual process

The process can be arduous for businesses operating without a distribution agreement template.

Legal teams usually have to draft the contract from scratch, painstakingly writing out the specific terms and conditions tailored to each new distributor. This is usually done in an editor like Word.

Once drafted, internal teams will review and approve the contract, with any issues and amendments flagged in email chains or separate Word files. If the distribution agreement is particularly complex or high-value, this process can involve numerous rounds of revisions.

This same process is repeated when the distribution agreement is shared with counterparties for negotiation and signing. There's usually a lot of back and forth between parties and tools until the final terms are eventually agreed and signed.

The process is admin-heavy, time-consuming and repetitive for businesses that work with lots of distributors.

Can you automate your distribution agreement template?

Fortunately, it's possible for businesses to automate their distribution agreements and remove this friction. They just need to use a contract management solution like Juro that offers the following features:

Automate your distribution agreement template with Juro

You can grab the free distribution agreement template PDF above as a starting point, but it will only get you so far - if you want to join the 6000+ companies already using Juro to power their contracts, hit the button below to book your personalized demo.