Clinical Testing Guidance for Tuberculosis: Health Care Personnel

A smiling female health care worker

TB screening programs should include anyone working or volunteering in health care settings, including:

Determining an approach

Follow your state's TB regulations.‎

CDC recommendations do not override or replace state regulations. State and local regulations may differ to meet local needs.

Contact your state TB control program for the testing regulations in your state.

Screening guidelines


CDC and the National TB Coalition of America released updated recommendations for TB screening, testing, and treatment of health care personnel on May 17, 2019.

These recommendations update the health care personnel screening and testing section of the 2005 CDC Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings.

All U.S. health care personnel should be screened for TB upon hire (i.e., preplacement).

TB screening includes:

Keep Reading: Baseline Tuberculosis Screening and Testing for Health Care Personnel

Annual TB testing of health care personnel is not recommended unless there is a known exposure or ongoing transmission at a health care facility.

U.S. health care personnel without latent TB infection should not undergo routine serial TB screening or testing at any interval after baseline (e.g., annually). Health care personnel should have a timely symptom evaluation and additional testing, if indicated, after known exposure to a person with potentially infectious TB disease, or ongoing transmission at a facility.

Keep Reading: Frequency of Tuberculosis Screening and Testing for Health Care Personnel

Treatment for latent TB infection is highly recommended.

Short course, rifamycin-based regimens are the preferred treatment options for latent TB infection because they have higher completion rates.

If health care personnel diagnosed with latent TB infection do not receive treatment:

All health care personnel should receive annual TB education.

TB education should include:

Keep Reading: Health Care Provider Communication and Education Resources

When to report cases

Notify the health department immediately if TB disease is presumed or confirmed.