Argumentative Essay Outline on Abortion


Abortion is a highly controversial and divisive topic that has been the subject of much debate and discussion for many years. It is a complex issue that involves ethical, moral, and legal considerations, and it is one that elicits strong emotions and opinions from people on both sides of the debate. In this essay, we will explore the arguments for and against abortion, and ultimately, argue that abortion should be legal and accessible to all women.

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Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is able to survive outside the womb. It is a deeply personal and often difficult decision for a woman to make, and it is one that is often made in the face of significant social, economic, and personal challenges. Despite the fact that abortion is a common medical procedure, it remains a highly contentious issue, with some people arguing that it is morally wrong and should be illegal, while others believe that it is a fundamental right of women to control their own bodies and make their own reproductive choices. In this essay, we will examine the arguments for and against abortion, and ultimately argue that women should have the right to access safe and legal abortion services.

Thesis Statement

Abortion is a fundamental right of women, and it should be legal and accessible to all women, as it is a matter of bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom.


Paragraph 1: The Right to Bodily Autonomy

One of the main arguments in favor of abortion is the right to bodily autonomy. Every person has the right to make decisions about their own body, and this includes the right to make decisions about their reproductive health. Denying women the right to access abortion services is a violation of their bodily autonomy and undermines their ability to make decisions about their own lives. It is important to recognize that women are capable of making informed and responsible decisions about their own bodies, and denying them access to abortion services only serves to perpetuate gender inequality and restrict their freedom.

Paragraph 2: The Health and Safety of Women

Another important argument in favor of abortion is the health and safety of women. When abortion is illegal or inaccessible, women are forced to seek out unsafe and unregulated procedures, often putting their lives at risk. Legalizing and regulating abortion ensures that women have access to safe and professional medical care, reducing the risk of complications and ensuring that their reproductive health is protected. Denying women access to safe and legal abortion services only serves to endanger their health and well-being, and it is essential that we prioritize the safety of women in this debate.

Paragraph 3: Reproductive Freedom and Economic Justice

Abortion is also a matter of reproductive freedom and economic justice. For many women, the ability to access abortion services is essential to their ability to control their own reproductive choices and make decisions about their futures. For low-income women, in particular, the ability to access safe and legal abortion services is crucial in ensuring that they are able to pursue their educational and career goals, and it is essential in combating the cycle of poverty and inequality. By denying women access to abortion services, we are effectively denying them the opportunity to control their own lives and futures, and perpetuating systems of economic and social injustice.

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In conclusion, abortion is a fundamental right of women, and it should be legal and accessible to all women. It is a matter of bodily autonomy, reproductive freedom, and economic justice, and denying women access to safe and legal abortion services only serves to perpetuate gender inequality and restrict their freedom. It is essential that we prioritize the health and safety of women, and ensure that they have the ability to make informed and responsible decisions about their own bodies. Ultimately, the right to access abortion services is a matter of human rights and social justice, and it is essential that we continue to advocate for the rights of women to control their own reproductive health.